The only one CSS capable web browser for Amiga OS 3.x .
Bugs can be reported on official BugTracker
This is development version for testing.
If no major bugs are found it will be released to Aminet.
* updated to newest sources (read changelog for all)
* streaming video & audio now possible. Left click on link to play mp3 with AmiNetRadio
(can be changed in Options) or ffplay for videos, ogg files and other formats.
Right click to download.
* updated : libcurl 7.36.0
libssl libcrypto 1.0.1g (fixes heartbleed bug)
libexpat 2.0.1
libpng 1.6.10
libz 1.2.8
* updated cetificates file ca-bundle
* more amiga-like text-fields. Taken from AOS4 version by Chris Young
* favourite labels are now changed right after editing them in Options
* delete key works now
* added AGA version
* removed saving as png (doesn't work anymore)
* added alternative file download option
* added link for as favourite #1.
This allows to browse pages as image-maps with clickable urls.
It's useful for slower machines or pages that are not displayed correctly.
* Added key shortcuts for textarea undo and redo.
* LibNSFB library (NetSurf Framebuffer):
+ Fixed various memory leaks.
+ Added tiled bitmap rendering support.
+ Improved dithering.