Uses 5 MB less RAM, some pages loads faster, no extra libraries needed.
Assign "Netsurf:" not needed (works right after unpacking).
Disc cache is disabled (was crashing).
Simple but usable user interface.
Non truetype version included (uses built-in fonts).
AGA version not included.
Slows down after 5 first pages.
Confilicting programs:
TLSFmem (Black window)
Tested on WinUAE on AmiKit/Aros Vision/AmigaSYS and ClassicWbP96.
Most options are explained in Resources/AllOptions file.
Open netsurf folder in CLI/Shell and run Netsurf with '-v' parameter. Send output to my e-mail or put comment here.
- Update: No need to move mouse anymore (hack)
- Update2: Fixed 100% CPU usage
- Update3: Fixed and improved youtube autoplay